Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 345

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs In February, don't postpone a trip. In flying from one enemy you encounter another. In for a penny, in for a pound. In foreign countries money goes by the way. In forming new friendships, forget not old friends. In Frassetu and Tavera, don't say cuppa, because they'll punch you in the face. In frosty weather a nail is worth a horse. In God we trust; all others pay cash. In good companionship, the monk took a wife. In good times friends know you and in bad times you know them. In great action, men show themselves as they ought to be, in small action as they are. In guns we trust. In hard times priests are in great demand. In hawks, hounds, arms, and love, for one pleasure a thousand pains. In healthy body healthy spirit. In heaven you wont hear the mosquitoes. In hell there are no fans. In his decision the judge with seven reasons gives only one in court. In his heart a man may plan his course but God determines his every step. In his own nest a beetle is a sultan. In hospitality, the chief thing is the good will. In hunting and in love you begin when you like and leave off when you can. In January you slaughter the lambs in February you work the skins. In judging others, the point of departure is always himself. In July, store the grain under the bed. In language there is life, in language there is death. In large rivers one finds big fish but one may also be drowned. In less than a thousand years we shall all be bald. In life, each of us must sometimes play the fool. 344 In life, it is always possible to reach agreement in the end. In love and war don't seek counsel. In love beggar and king are equal. In love, there is always one who kisses and one who offers the cheek. In love, there is always one who kisses and one who offers the cheek. In many words the truth goes by. In marriage cheat who can. In May the horse gets fat, but if he doesn't get fat it's better to ditch him. In men every mortal sin is venial, in women every venial sin is mortal. In misfortune we need help, not lamentation. In Morocco never be surprised. If you see a donkey flying, just say Allah is capable of anything. In movement, there is blessing. In much corn is some cockle. In much talk there is much bottom, inferior matter. In my homeland I possess one hundred horses, yet if I go, I go on foot. In my life of vanity i saw everything: a righteous man dying in his righteousness, and a wicked man living long after his evil deeds. In my own house I am a king. In nature, there is no such thing as a lawn. In old age your strength decreases and your appetite increases. In old houses many mice, in old furs many lice. In order to find evildoers, every human being is given a name. In order to judge another's feelings, remember your own. In order to really love someone you must love him as though he was going to die tomorrow. In order to succeed, we attack. In other persons' eye one can see a mote, in one's own - cannot see a log.