Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 344

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs In a united family, hapiness springs up of itself. In a very critical situation as the egg will soon tip-over and fall. In a very old tree, you may be certain that the sapwood is on the outside, while the heartwood is in the middle. In a village with too many roosters morning will come late. In a wealthy man's house there is no lean dog. In a wood don't walk behind another. In a world of blind people, a one-eyed man is king. In affect you can break even an elm. In age, talk; in childhood, tears. In all the world, things are two and two. In America an hour is forty minutes. In America half an hour is forty minutes. In an ant colony, the dew is a flood. In an instant illumination can be achieved, it is as easy as turning on a light, the problem is finding the switch in the dark. in an instant with a single foolish act) In anger a man becomes dangerous to himself and to others. In anger there is no intelligence. In at one ear and out at the other. In August the lambs are slaughtered. In avoiding Charybdis, he falls into Scylla. In avoiding that which is evil I have found that which is good. In bad fortune hold out, in good hold in. In bad luck, hold out; in good luck, hold in. In bad things be slow; in good things be quick. In baiting a mousetrap with cheese, always leave room for the mouse. In Blindman's land your one-eyed man's a god. In borrowing an angel, in repaying a devil. In business partnerships and marriage partnerships, oh, the cheating that goes on. In business you need two Jews for one Greek, two Greeks for one Syrian and 343 two Syrians for one Armenian. In calm water every ship has a good captain. In case of doubt it is best to lean to the side of mercy. In chatter a river, in understanding but a single drop. In childhood you are palyful, In youth you are lustful In old age you are feeble, So when will you before God be worshipful? In choosing a friend, go up a step. In church, in the taverns, and in coffins all men are equal. In courtship a man pursues a woman until she catches him. In dark weather the devil is in the air. In death, I am born. In dense woods the trees grow straight. In distress there is no law. In doing we learn. In eating 'tis good to begin, one morsel helps the other in. In every beginning, think of the end. In every country dogs bite. In every false step there is something good. In every family where there is a son, the head of an ox, goat or ram is cooked to be eaten by him with his friends. In every family's cooking pot is one black spot. In every good thing there is something bad. In every little house there is a little louse. In every pardon there is love. In every pomegranate a decayed pip is to be found. In every village, there is a path that leads to the mill. In every woman there is a Queen. Speak to the Queen, and the Queen will answer. In face of evil, one would rather be a jade broken than a brick intact. In fair weather prepare for foul. In fair weather, in calm waters and in peaceful travel, even a coachman knows how to sail.