Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 343

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Immortal glory waits on talent. Immortality is surely a pleasant feeling, especially when the individual is still alive. Impatience does not diminish but augments the evil. Impatience with your brother is in the flesh, it doesn't reach the bone. Imperceptibly the hours glide on, and beguile us as they pass. In a battle between elephants, the ants get squashed. In a breadless home, everyone complains and nobody is right. In a broken nest there are few whole eggs. In a calm sea, every man is a pilot. In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats. In a choice between bad company and loneliness -- the second is preferable. In a community it's better every person to have a little of something than one person to have everything. In a community, your reputation matters. in a strange place, your clothing counts. In a conclave many go in as a pope but come back out as the cardinal they were when they went in. In a court of fowls, the cockroach never wins his case. In a crush, yet without resentment. In a deal there are two fools: the one who asks too much and the one who asks too little. In a deserted village the jackass is king. In a family if you have somebody who is troublesome it's the family members who are worried than the troublesome member. In a fiddler's house, all are dancers. In a fight the rich man tries to save his face, the poor man his coat. In a fight with a fool it's a wise man who quits. In a fire, both green and dry wood burn. In a flat country a hillock thinks itself a mountain. In a game it's difficult to know when to stop. 342 In a garment made of silk there are no fleas. In a golden sheath a leaden knife. In a good book the best is between the lines. In a good family the husband is deaf and the wife blind. In a good time I speak it, in a better I leave it. In a good word there are three winters' warmth; in one malicious word there is pain for six frosty months. In a group of many words, there is bound to be a mistake somewhere in them. In a healthy body, a healthy spirit. In a house of gold the clocks are of lead. In a house where two daughters live, the cat dies of thirst. In a hundred years we will be dead anyway. In a large church no priest dies. In a long race the good horse prevails. In a no-win situation where all the possible solutions present has terrible consequences. In a perch is no broth, in a foolish person is no wisdom. In a place without dogs they teach the cats to bark. In a quarrel, leave room for reconciliation. In a quarrel, the higher voiced person will win. In a restaurant choose a table near a waiter. In a rickety stable the cow produces no milk. In a small house God has His corner; in a big house, He has to stand in the hall. In a smith's house the knife is wooden. In a soap maker's house, a person who doesn't fall, slips. In a strange land one should always move near one's kinsmen. In a thousand pounds of law there is not one ounce of love. In a trade someone always loses. In a tree that you can't climb, there are always a thousand fruits. In a treeless country, the castor-oil plant is a big tree.