Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 342

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Ill befal the belly that forgets eaten bread. Ill begun, ill done. I'll believe the thunder when I see the lightning. I'll come again, said the woman who got caught in wing of the windmill. Ill comes often on the back of worse. Ill company brings many a man to the gallows. Ill fares the young bird in the urchin's hand. I'll gar ye claw where its no yeuky. I'll give away rice fields and footpaths. I'll go there tonight for evening is speedier than morning. Ill got, ill spent. Ill gotten gains are like snow that is sprinkled with hot water. Ill gotten gains don't last. Ill gotten goods never thrive. Ill gotten goods seldom prosper. Ill gotten, ill spent. Ill herds makes fat wolfes. Ill in kine and worse in beeves. Ill luck comes by pounds and goes away by ounces. Ill luck enters by fathoms and departs by inches. Ill luck is good for something. I'll mak a shift, as Macwhid did wi' the preachin'. I'll marry, and eat the prime of the pot, and sit down first. Ill news are aft owre true. Ill news comes apace Ill news comes apace. Ill news is too often true. Ill news travels fast. I'll no tell a lee for scant o' news. Ill payers are aye good cravers. I'll say such things that I'll regret even myself. I'll sleep on it. I'll take care of today, let God take care of tomorrow. Ill tidings come soon enough. Ill vessels seldom miscarry. Ill weed grows fast. Ill weeds are not hurt by frost. Ill weeds grow apace. Ill weeds grow the fastest and last the longest. Ill weeds grows apace. Ill weeds wax well. Ill weeds waxes weil. Ill win, ill warit. Ill won gear winna enrich the third heir. Ill words are bellows to a slackening fire. Ill-doers, ill-deemers. Ill-gotten goods never prosper. Ill-gotten goods seldom prosper. Ill-luck is good for something. Ill-luck upon ill-luck, and a stone for a pillow. Ill-matched horses draw badly. Illness comes in by mouth; ills come out by it. Illness tells us what we are. Ill-timed laughter is a dangerous evil. Ill-will never spake well. I'm already drowning so why should I fear getting wet? I'm but beginning yet, quo' the wife when she run wud. I'm forejidged, forefoughten, and forejeskit. I'm human; nothing that is human is strange to me. A good run is better than a bad fight. I'm not going to lend you a stick to break my head with. I'm speaking o' hay and you o' horse corn. I'm talking to the door, but I want the walls to hear me. I'm up to it and to any great thing. Imagination cures the chaos in the heart. Imagination gallops, judgment merely walks. Imitate the snail in deliberation, the bird in execution. Imitate the sundial's ways, count only the pleasant days. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. 341