Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 339

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs If you would be a good judge, hear what every one says. If you would be a good judge, pay attention to what everyone says. If you would be a merchant fine, beware o' auld horses, herring, and wine. If you would be happy for a week take a wife; if you would be happy for a month kill a pig; but if you would be happy all your life plant a garden. If you would be healthy, be sage betimes. If you would be in good repute, let not the sun find you in bed. If you would be pope, you must think of nothing else. If you would be praised, die. If you would be respected in company, seek the society of your equals and not of your superiors. If you would be rich in a year, you may be hanged in six months. If you would be well served, serve yourself. If you would catch a fox you must hunt with geese. If you would enjoy its fruit, pluck not the blossom. If you would enjoy the fruit, pluck not the flower. If you would get ahead, be a bridge. If you would grow poor without knowing it, put your helpers to work and go to sleep. If you would grow poor without perceiving it, employ workmen and go to sleep. If you would have the dog follow you, give him bread. If you would have the lamp burn, you must pour oil into it. If you would have your work ill done, pay beforehand. If you would know the value of a ducat, try to borrow one. If you would know the value of a shilling, try to borrow one. If you would live healthy, be old early. If you would live in health, grow old early. If you would live long, open your heart. If you would make a thief honest, trust him. 338 If you would make an enemy, lend a man money, and ask for it back again. If you would resemble the vulture, look out for a carcase. If you would shoot a general, shoot his horse first. If you would succeed, you must not be too good. If you wrestle with a collier you will get a blotch. If you yearry debil a come, clear de way. If you yourself can do it, attend no other's help or hand. If you’re children are bad their mother is bad. If you’re Heelant you’re next door to the Fifer. If you'd be beloved, make yourself amiable. If youhave the moon, ignore the stars. If young men had wit and old men strength everything might be well done. If your beard's on fire, others will light their pipes on it. If your books are not read, your descendants will be ignorant. If your brother is rich it doesn't mean you're rich. If your buttocks burn, you know you have done wrong. If your child is dancing clumsily, tell him: 'you are dancing clumsily'; do not tell him: 'darling, do as you please.' If your conduct be noble, you will be a king. If your corn field is far from your home, the birds will eat your corn. If your enemy is up to his waist in water, give him your hand; if the water reaches his shoulders, stand on his head. If your face looks skewed, don't blame the mirror. If your face skewed, don't blame the mirror. If your friend becomes your enemy, he will be your enemy for life. If your friend is honey, don't lick him thoroughly.