Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 311

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs If the beard were all, goats could preach. If the beard were all, the goat might preach. If the best man's faults were written on his forehead, it would make him pull his hat over his eyes. If the bird hadn't sung, it wouldn't have been shot. If the blind lead the blind, both fall into the ditch. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. If the brain sows not corn, it plants thistles. If the bread in the oven is a failure you lose a week; if the harvest is a failure you lose a year; if marriage is a failure then you lose a life. If the bride can't dance, she blames the musicians. If the building of a nest were easy, would the little "apatipers" bird roost in the fork of a tree? If the bull would throw you, lie down. If the camel once get his nose in a tent, the body will soon follow. If the camel once get his nose in the tent, his body will follow. If the camel once gets his nose in a tent, his body will soon follow. IF the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow. If the cap fits, wear it. If the cat had wings all sparrows would die. If the cat sits long enough at the hole, she will catch the mouse. If the cat's away, the mice will dance. If the child cries let the mother hush it, and if it will not be hushed let it cry. If the child does not cry, the mother won't know what it wants. If the coat fits, put it on. If the cockroach wants to rule over the chicken, then it must hire the fox as a body-guard. If the collective farm is wealthy, the farmer is happy. If the cotton tree does not know if its roots are firm, it should not call the breeze. 310 If the deceased is no good, one shouldn't waste good candles on him. If the defendant is silent the jury will think him guilty. If the devil catch a man idle he'll set him at work. If the devil is going to disguise himself, it will be as a monk or a lawyer. If the devil is powerless, send him a woman. If the Devil were dead, folk would do little for God's sake. If the doctor cures the sun sees it, but if he kills the earth hides it. If the doctor cures, the sun sees it; if he kills, the earth hides it. If the doctor is fasting it is bad for the priest. If the dog barks, go in; if the bitch barks you had better stay outside. If the dog hadn't stopped to rest, he'd have caught the rabbit. If the dog is not at home, he barks not. If the dog leads the man, the man is blind. If the man leads the dog, the man is married. If the dowry doesn't support her, even the executioner is disinterested. If the enemy within cannot kill us, then the enemy without can do us no harm. If the eye do not admire, the heart will not desire. If the eye does not want to see, neither light nor glasses will help. If the eyes didn't see, the hands wouldn't take. If the eyes don't see, the heart won't break. If the family is together, the soul is in the right place. If the farmer is poor then so is the whole country. If the father is a frog, the son will be a frog. If the father marries the aunt, he's an uncle. If the female dog were not in haste, she would not litter blind puppies. If the fight is tomorrow, then why should you clench your fist today?