Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 294

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Hungry bellies have no ears. Hungry dogs are blithe of bursten puddings. Hungry flies bite sore. Hungry flies sting sore. Hungry stewards wear mony shoon. Hunt in every jungle, for there is wisdom and good hunting in all of them. Hunt in every jungle, for there is wisdom and good hunting in all of them. Hunting, hawking, and paramours, for one joy an hundred displeasures. Hunting, speak about your own. (Do not tell people about other people’s mistakes.) Hurriedness is not necessarily the daughter of foolishness, and delay is not necessarily the daughter of cowardice. 'hurry' and 'well' never go hand in hand. Hurry hurry has no blessings. Hurry no man's cattle. Hurry slowly. Hurry, and you'll get only shithead kids. Hurry, hurry has no blessings. Hurry-hurry never done. Hurrying and worrying are not the same as strength. Hurrying has no blessing. husband, don't believe what you see, but what I tell you. Husband, don't see; wife, be blind. Husband, you are a cuckold; wife, who told you so? Hush, brideswoman, I knew all that before. Hush, lest the wind arise. Hussars pray for war, and the doctor for fever. Hyena says that men are wise because they know how to hold a firebrand. Hyenas are caught with stinking bait. Hygiene is two thirds of health. Hygiene is two thirds of health. Hypocrisy is a homage that vice pays to virtue. Hypocrisy is the mother of peace. Hypocrites kick with their hind feet while licking with their tongues. Hypocritical piety is double iniquity. 293