Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 254

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs He that stumbles and falls not, mends his pace. He that swims in sin will sink in sorrow. He that takes all his geir fra himself, and gives it to his bairns, it were weil ward to take a mell and knock out his hairns. He that takes the devil into his boat must carry him over the sound. He that takes the raven for his guide will light on carrion. He that takes too great a leap falls into the ditch. He that teaches himself has a fool for his master. He that telleth his wife news is but lately married. He that tells his wife news, is but newly married. He that that hath a head of wax must not approach the fire. He that tholes, overcomes. He that tickles himself, may laugh when he will. He that ties well, unties well. He that too much embraceth holds little. He that touched pitch will be defiled. He that touches pitch defiles himself. He that touches pitch shall be defiled. He that travels far knows much. He that troubles his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart. He that trusts a faithless friend, has a good witness against him. He that ventures not fails not. He that wad eat the kernel maun crack the nut. He that waits for a dead man's shoes may long go barefoot. He that waits for dead men's shoes may go long enough barefoot. He that waits upon another's trencher, makes many a little dinner. He that walketh with the virtuous is one of them. He that walks too hastily, often stumbles in plain way. 253 He that walks with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. He that wants content canna sit easy in his chair. He that wants should not be bashful. He that wants the kernel must crack the nut. He that wants to eat the kernel must crack the nut. He that wants to hang a dog, is sure to find a rope. He that wants to hang a dog, says that it bites the sheep. He that wants to keep his house clean must not let priest or pigeon into it. He that was born to be hang'd will never be drown'd. He that was born under a three-halfpenny planet shall never be worth twopence. He that washes an ass's head loses both his lye and his labour. He that well considers the world, must own he has never seen a better. He that will bare-foot go must not plant a garden of thistle. He that will be rich before night, may be hanged before noon. He that will cheat at play, will cheat you any way. He that will conquer must fight. He that will eat the kernel must crack the nut. He that will enter into paradise must have a good key. He that will get the better of a fox must rise early. He that will have a cake out of the wheat must tarry the grinding. He that will have eggs, must bear with cackling. He that will have fire must bear with smoke. He that will have no trouble in this world must not be born in it. He that will have the kernel, must crack the shell. He that will lie will steal.