Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 246

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs He struck at Tib, but down fell Tim. He studies the Bible of fifty-two leaves. He stumbled upwards. He succeeded like Bertok with the loach. He suffered from paralysis by analysis. He suffers from the same disease. He suffocates me with kindness. He sups ill who eats up all at dinner. He swallows the bitter pill. He swallows the frog. He sweeps the problem under the carpet. He swims on his own bullrush. He takes from one ear, and lets it out from the other ear. He takes out a nail and puts in a pin. He takes over the baton. He takes the wind out of someone's sails. He talks a hole into the belly of somebody. He talks like a sausage without the fat. He talks one's head off. He talks to a dead man. He talks to the wind. He tells a tale of a tub. He tells me my way, and knows not his own. He tells, does something to somebody without announcement. He that abideth low cannot fall hard. He that accuses all convicts only one. He that after sinning mends, recommends himself to god. He that always thinks it is too soon is sure to come too late. He that ance gets his fingers i' the dirt can hardly get them out again. He that asketh a courtesy promiseth a kindness. He that asketh faintly beggeth a denial. He that asks faintly begs a denial. He that asks knows one shame; he that doesn't knows two. He that at twenty is not, at thirty knows not, and at forty has not, will never be, nor ever know, nor ever have. He that bears the cross, blesses himself first. He that beats the drum for the mad man to dance is no better than the mad man 245 himself. He that believes in dreams pastures the winds. He that blames would buy. He that blaws best should bear the horn. He that blows in the dust fills his eyes with it. He that boasteth of himself affronteth his company. He that boasts of his own knowledge proclaims his ignorance. He that borrows and bigs, maks feasts and thigs, drinks an's no dry, nane a' these three are thrifty. He that borrows and bigs; makes feasts and thigs; drinks and is not. He that brings good news, knocks hard. He that buildeth upon the highway hath many advisers. He that bulls the cow must keep the calf. He that buyeth magistracy will seek justice. He that buys the office of magistrate must of necessity sell justice. He that by the plough would thrive, Himself must either hold or drive. He that can be patient finds his foe at his feet. He that can have patience can have what he will. He that can not endure the bad will not live to see the good. He that can reply to an angry man is too hard for him. He that canna make sport shou'd mar nane. He that cannot abide a bad market deserves not a good one. He that cannot ask, cannot live. He that cannot beat the ass beats the saddle. He that cannot beat the horse beats the saddle. He that cannot do better, must be a monk. He that cannot obey cannot command. He that cannot pay, let him pray. He that can't endure the bad, will not live to see the good.