Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 240

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs He is bad that will not take advice, but he is a thousand times worse that takes every advice. He is between two fires. He is blind enough who cannot see through a sieve. He is blind that eats his marrow, but far blinder that lets him. He is but a poor husbandman, who sows in sand. He is called clever who cheats and plunders his friend. He is caught in his own snare. He is consumed by a vain hope. He is dead who is faultless. He is doing a fireman's work. He is easy to lure, who is ready to follow. He is fairest dung when his own wand dings him. He is flaying the same bock. He is full of sweet faults. He is good and respectful when he is being shaven during the initiation ceremony. He is good that failed never. He is good, only the devils are bad, for not carrying him away. He is great whose faults can be numbered. He is ground between two millstones. He is guilty who is not at home. He is happy like one who got a steed for present. He is happy that knows not himself to be otherwise. He is his own enemy. He is his own trumpeter. He is hunting for water in the sea. He is idle that might be better employed. He is in no place who is everywhere. He is in safety who rings the tocsin. He is in search of a ram with five feet. He is indeed a conqueror who conquers himself. He is lifeless that is faultless. He is like a cat, he always falls on his feet. He is like a deaf man at a wedding procession. He is like a hyena's sinew. He is like a silver pin, Fair without, but foul within. He is like a singed cat, better than he looks. He is like a swine, he'll never do good while he lives. He is like the anchor that is always in the sea, yet does not learn to swim. He is like the gardener's dog, who don't eat cabbage and will let no one else eat them. He is like water shaking in a wash tub. He is little suited to be a baker, whose head is made of butter. He is looking out for a fig. He is lucky who forgets what cannot be mended. He is master of another man's life who is indifferent to his own. He is miserable indeed that must lock up his miseries. He is miserable once, who feels it; but twice, who fear it before it comes. He is most cheated who cheats himself. He is most likely to spill who holds the vessel in his hand. He is my friend that grindeth at my mill. He is my friend that helps me, and not he that pities me. He is my friend that succoureth me, not he that pitieth me. He is my friend who grinds at my mill. He is nearest a thing, who has it in his hands. He is nearest to God who has the fewest wants. He is never likely to have a good thing cheap that is afraid to ask a price. He is no friend that eats his own by himself, and mine with me. He is no great heir that inherits not his ancestor's virtues. He is no merchant who always gains. He is no small knave who knows a great one. He is noble who performs noble deeds. He is nobody's enemy but his own. 239