Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 21

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs A few germs never hurt anyone. A few things gained by fraud destroy a fortune otherwise honestly won. A field becomes exhausted by constant tillage. A field held in common is always ravaged by bears. A fierce dog ruins a liquor store business. A fifth wheel to a cart is but an encumbrance. A fight between grasshoppers is a joy to the crow. A fight does not build a village. (Arguing destroys many things.) A fight in your neighbor’s house is refreshing. A fighting bull is recognised by the scars on its body. A filthy mouth will not utter decent language. A fine cage won’t feed the bird. A fine girl and a tattered gown always find something to hook them. A fine quotation is a diamond on the finger of a man of wit, and a pebble in the hand of a fool. A fine rain still soaks you to the bone, but no one takes it seriously. A fine shot never killed a bird. A finger does not point at its owner. (A person does not speak about their won faults) A fingers length in a sword, and a palm in a lance, are a great advantage. A finished knife is the one that is used to make others. (an educated man educates and take care for others) A Finn doesn’t believe before he has seen. A fire cannot be wrapped with paper. A fire is nourished by its own ashes. A fire will sear and the sun burn yet more, but neither can match the ardor of a man’s heart. A fish always rots from the head down A fish and bird may fall in love but the two cannot build a home together. A fish follows the bait. 20 A fish gets bigger when it gets away. A fish should swim thrice: in water, in sauce, and in wine. A fish will not live out of water but will prefer air to hot water. A fish with teeth tastes the same as fish without. A fish wouldn’t get into trouble if it kept its mouth shut. A fisherman can recognize another fisherman from afar. A fisherman knows where to look for an octopus. A fisherman never says his fish stink. A fisherman once stung will be wiser. A fisherman’s walk – twa steps and overboard. A flag follows the direction of the wind. A flag on a mud barge. A flatterer has water in one hand and fire in the other. A flatterer is a secret enemy. A flatterer is a secret enemy. A flatterer must not lose his temper. A flatterer’s throat is an open sepulchre. A flea can trouble a lion more than the lion can harm a flea. A flea on the top of a bald head - it is only too apparent. A flea on top of a bald head. A floor does not give. (nothing can be achieved through idleness) A flow of words is no proof of being easy enough. A flow will have an ebb. A flower cannot blossom without sunshine nor a garden without love. A flower you plant may not necessarily bloom; but the seed of a tree you happen to drop may grow into a forest. A fly before his own eye is bigger than an elephant in the next field. A fly cannot enter a closed mouth. A fly does not mind dying in coconut cream.