Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 208

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs For the cat's violin. For the concert of life, no one receives a program. For the diligent, a week has seven days; for the slothful, seven tomorrows. For the first five years of your son's life treat him as a prince, for the next ten years as a slave, then as a friend for the rest of his life. For the fisherman, the fun is over when the fish are in the net. For the flying enemy a golden bridge. For the friendship of two, the patience of one is required. For the king, the laws and the people. For the lack one thing, take another, whether better or worse. For the last-comer the bones. For the lazy and the poor, everything al- ways takes twice the effort. For the man a great sweat, for the woman a great physical pain. For the sake of a single rose, the gardener becomes servant to a thousand thorns. For the sake of one good action, a hundred evil ones should be forgotten. For the sake of the flowers, the weeds are watered. For the sake of the rose the thorn is watered too. For the ugly vice of begging, there's the virtue of not giving. For the upright there are no laws. For the very best, drink milk from the goat, ricotta from the sheep and cheese from the cow. For the want of worthy men they made my father alcade. For things of tomorrow; a granary is not constructed. (Don’t rely on things that have not yet seen as you may waste your time.) For those in love, Baghdad is near Istanbul. For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible. For tomorrow belongs to the people who 207 prepare for it today. For want of a nail a kingdom was lost. For want of a nail the shoe is lost. For want of a nail the shoe is lost; for want of a shoe the horse is lost; for want of a horse the rider is lost. For want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the man was lost For what cannot be cured, patience is best. For what thou canst do thyself, rely not on another. For whoever wants the blue sky, the price is high. For whom does the blind man's wife paint herself? For whom sword and courage are not enough, corslet and lance will not be enough. For wolf's flesh dog sauce. For women the highest state is the married state. Forbear a quarrel with a friend to move: anger breeds hatred; concord sweetens love. Forbear not sowing because of birds. Forbearance is no acquittance. Forbid a fool a thing, and that he will do. Forbidden fruit is sweet. Forbidden fruit is the sweetest. Forbidden fruit tastes best. Force a fool to pray and he'll crack his forehead. Force against force equals more force. Force is no argument. Force is that which rules the actions without regulating the will. Force may lead to agreement, but truth will lead to conviction. Force not favours on the unwilling. Force of arms is useless against death. Force tells weak from strong for a moment; truth tells right from wrong all the time. Force without forecast is to little avail. Force, no matter how concealed, begets re- sistance.