Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 201

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Fear to let fall a drop, will always make you spill a lot. Fear to let spill a drop and you will spill a lot. Fearing laws makes one happy every day; withholding truth from heaven worries one all the time. Feasting is the physician's harvest. Feather by feather a goose is plucked. Feather by feather the goose can be plucked. Feather by feather the goose is plucked. February fill dyke, be it black or be it white. February has seven hats. February may be short but it's the worst month. Feckless fouk are aye fain of anither. Fedot, yet not the one. Fedot, yet not the right one. Feed a cold and starve a fever Feed a cold and starve a fever. Feed a cold, starve a fever. Feed a crow and it will pluck out your eyes. Feed a dog for three days and it is gratefull for three years. Feed a cat for three years and it forgets after three days. Feed a dog to bark at you. Feed sparingly and defy the physician. Feed the raven and he'll peck out your eyes. Feed your horse as a friend, mount him as an enemy. Feel free to jabber, Emelya it's your week. Feel like Gumbeh drum widout a goat-skin. Feeling has nae fellow. Feeling it from his water. Feet accustomed to go cannot be still. Feet that are used to move cannot remain quiet. Feign death and the bull will leave you. Feigned love is worse than hatred. Females and finances don't mix. Fences have ears. Fences mean nothing to those who can fly. Fertile is water that runs under lava. Fetters of gold are still fetters, and silken cords pinch. Fever sustains the sick. Few are fit to be entrusted with themselves. 200 Few are like father, no one is like mother. Few believe to err is human and to smack, divine. Few desires, happy life. Few have luck, all have death. Few laws, good nations. Few lawyers die well, few physicians live well. Few people farming, many people eating. (Many people can be reliant on one person.) Few people rise to our esteem upon closer scrutiny. Few there are that will endure a true friend. Few things are easy to the unwilling. Few women turn grey because their husband dies. Few words are best. Few words sufficeth to a wise man. Few words to the wise suffice. Fiddlers dogs flesh flies come to feasts unca'd. Fidelity in a king, promise in men. Fidelity is a noble virtue, yet justice is nobler still. Fidlers, dogs and flies, come to the feast uncalled. Fie upon a cloak in fair weather. Fields have eyes, and woods have ears. Fields have eyes, woods have ears. Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps. Fight a wolf with a flex stalk. Fight dog, fight bear; wha wins, deil care. Fight fire with fire. Fight only when you can win; move away when you cannot. Fight poison with poison. Fight the elephant, and not his shadow. Fight the good fight Fight with silver spears, and you will overcome everything. Fighting a losing battle. Fighting a wolf with a flex stalk - either side is afraid of the other. Fighting for your country glorifies death.