Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 180

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Education is what you know, not what’s in the book. Eels become accustomed to skinning. Effort will not counter faith. Efter delay comes a Let. Efter long mint, never dint. Efter word comes weard. Eggplants do not grow on melon vines. Eggs and iron must not be in the same bag. Eggs and metal do not go in the same bas- ket. Eggs and metal should not be put in the same sack. Eggs and oaths are easily broken. Eggs and promises are easily broken. Eggs and vows are easily broken. Eggs are put to hatch on a chance. Eggs cannot be unscrambled. Eggs cannot teach a hen. Eggs don’t teach the hens anything. Eggs have no business dancing with stones. Eggs may be smarter than the chickens, but it doesn’t take long for them to stink. Eggs should not fight stones. Eggs, never fight with stones. Egotism is an alphabet of one letter. Eident youth maks easy age. Eight Immortals cross the sea, each employing his or her theurgy. Eight lives for the men and nine for the women. Eighteen daughters beautiful as goddesses are not as good as one crippled son. Eild wald have honour. Either a man or a mouse. Either a ship or a tuft of feathers. Either be a mountain or lean on one. Either by might or by sleight. Either Caesar, or nobody. Either chest in crosses, or a head in bushes. Either dance well or start drinking. Either do as your neighbors do, or move away. Either do not begin or, having begun, do not give up. Either fight not with priests or beat them to death. 179 Either he gets accustomed or he escapes. Either it doesn’t help or it isn’t needed. Either learn or leave. Either live or die with honour. Either never attempt a thing or carry it out. Either remain quiet, or say things that improve the silence. Either rich or hanged. Either the ass will die, or he that goads it. Either the camel, or the camel man. Either you sink or you swim. Either you’re a player, or you’re a sucker. Elbow grease is the best polish. Elbow-grease is a great preventative of disease. Elderberries in the yard and an uncle in kiev. Elder-berry is in the kitchen-garden, therefore your Uncle is in Kiev. Elderliness is not a disease, but a richness. Elders are like the marsh where fire goes out. Elders are the damp ground who extinguish the fire (The elders are the ones who end the problems started by the children) Elders beg with their eyes. Elders do not set their hearts on your death, you will not be long to die yourself. Elephants are killed for their ivory, birds for their feathers. Elephants carry each other. Eleven don’t make a dozen. Eleven persons take eleven paths. Ell and tell is good merchandise. Elm trees have beautiful branches but hardly ever bear fruit. Eloquence avails nothing against the voice of gold. Embrace the snake and it will bite you. Employees are the rungs on the ladder to success, don’t hesitate to step on them. Employment brings enjoyment. Empty bag cyaa stan’ up. Empty barrel mek de mos’ noise. Empty barrels and insignificant people always make the most noise.