Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 176

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Dropping water makes the rock hollow, not by its force, but by constant action. Drops join to make a stream; ears combine to make a crop. Drowing man clutches at straw. Drown not thyself to save a drowning man. Drumming is not the way to catch a hare. Drums are never beat without reason. Drums sound loud because they are hollow. Drunk sweetly, paid sourly. Drunkards and fools cannot lie. Drunkards know no danger. Drunkards talk to the gods. Drunken days have their tomorrow. Drunken wife gat ay the drunken penny. Drunkenness and anger speak truthfully. Drunkenness and anger, ‘tis said tell the truth. Drunkenness does not itself cause bad qualities but it does show them up clearly. Drunkenness does not produce faults; it discovers them. Drunkenness makes some men fools, some beasts, and some devils. Dry August, chestnuts at every step. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. Dry bread is better with love than a fat capon with fear. Dry March, good for beehives and rams. Dry thunder that tears the sky doesn’t make you forget the storm of yesterday. Dry wood makes a quick fire. Dry your feet and warm your head, and don’t worry about the rest. Dry; these three are not thrifty. Ducats are clipped, pence are not. Ducks quack loudly before a rain. Due to the presence of fools wise people stand out. Dull scissors make crooked-mouthed tailors. Dumb dogs and still water are dangerous. Dummie cannot lie. Dumplings are better than flowers. Dung is no saint, but where it falls it works miracles. 175 Durability is better than show. During a storm you do not take shelter under just one roofing tile. During a storm you seek shelter under a tree and not the clouds. During an epidemic doctors are happy. During an exam, a person is either honored or disgraced. During April rainfalls the pig gets butchered, the oxen gets fattened and the sheep laughs. During sickness, you recognize the value of good health. During the battle you cannot lend your sword to anyone. During the dry season it is better to befriend the owner of the pirogue. During the winter eat long fishes, during the summer eat short fishes. During war, weapons are not cleaned. Dust does not burden him. Dust does not rise because a dog-flea hops. Dust is yourself. (If you want something you should not rely on others but you should get it from your own effort.) Duty before devotion. Duty is heavy as a mountain but Death is lighter than a feather. Duty knows no family. Dwarfs see giants everywhere. Dwell not upon thy weariness, thy strength shall be according to the measure of thy desire. Dwell on the past and you’ll lose an eye; forget the past and you’ll lose both eyes. Dying is as natural as living soundly. Dying is as natural as living. Dying is not child’s play. Dying men speak true. Dying while young is a boon in old age. Dynamite comes in small packages.