Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 169

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Don’t mend what ain’t broken. Don’t mention him and a decent man in the one day. Don’t mention the cross to the devil. Don’t mention the word “dwarf” in front of a short person. Don’t mistake a short man for a boy. Don’t mistake chicken dung for an egg. Don’t mortgage the future for the present. Don’t move an ancient boundary stone or encroach on the fields of the fatherless. Don’t neglect the consequence of your act. Don’t notice the tiny flea in the other person’s hair and overlook the lumbering yak on your own nose. Don’t offer me advice; give me money. Don’t open a shop unless you know how to smile. Don’t open a shop unless you like to smile. Don’t outstay your welcome like a neighbor’s goat. Don’t overstrain your bow, it may break. Don’t paint the devil on the wall. Don’t paint the image of a demon on a wall. Don’t pass judgement on a work of art if you don’t know how to create it. Don’t pay a single gold coin for the sorrell, but when he’s good, be ready to spend a fortune. Don’t pick a wasp out of a cream-jug. Don’t plant a seed in the sea. Don’t plant pumpkins where they never sprouted. Don’t play with the bear if you don’t want to be bit. Don’t plow during September and don’t seed during October. Don’t pluck the apple while it is green; when it is ripe it will fall of itself. Don’t point your finger into a graveyard or it will drop off. Don’t poison someone whom you can kill with sweets. Don’t poop in a field and don’t talk in a forest. Don’t postpone until tomorrow, what you can do today. Don’t pour away your water due to a mirage. Don’t pour away your water on the strength of a mirage. Don’t praise my good fortune before I’m dead and buried. Don’t praise the bread that is not out of the oven. Don’t praise the day before sunset. Don’t praise the daylight before it is evening. Don’t praise tomorrow because tomorrow praises itself. Don’t praise your furnace when the house is cold. Don’t praise your wife before a year. Don’t preach, neither at home nor abroad. Don’t pride over your wealth or beauty, one will be gone in a night and the other with a fever. Don’t prod the donkey while you’re getting on. Don’t promise something when you are full of joy; don’t answer letters when you are full of anger. Don’t pull hard enough to break the rope. Don’t push yourself forward if you don’t have the heart. Don’t put a question mark where God put a full stop. Don’t put all eggs in one basket. Don’t put all the eggs in the same basket. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t put golden buttons on a torn coat. Don’t put it in my ear, but in my hand. Don’t put new wine into old bottles. Don’t put off today’s work till tomorrow. Don’t put the bait near the fire. Don’t put the cart before the horse. Don’t put the cart before the oxen. Don’t put the fox to guard the henhouse. Don’t put too tight a ring on your finger. Don’t put your trust in fortune until you are in heaven. Don’t put your trust in princes, or the sons of men; there is no salvation in them. 168