Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 166

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Don’t dirty the place where you have eaten. Don’t divide the fur on the bear. Don’t divide the spoil before the victory is won. Don’t do all you can, spend all you have, believe all you hear, or tell all you know. Don’t do good that could look bad. Don’t do that of which you doubt the propriety. Don’t do to others what you would not have done to you. Don’t do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Don’t draw a sword against a louse. Don’t draw another’s bow, don’t ride another’s horse, don’t mind another’s business. Don’t drive a Binya into the woods if he has found his way to your house. Don’t drown the man who taught you to swim. Don’t drown yourself to save a drowning man. Don’t eat the calf in the cow’s belly. Don’t eat your bread on someone else’s table. Don’t empty the water jar until the rain falls. Don’t enter a defecating competition against an elephant. Don’t estimate the value of a badger skin before catching the badger. Don’t even take a bath with fools, because they’ll throw away the soap. Don’t ever try to give a spear to a former mad man. Don’t expect a cherry tree from an acorn. Don’t expect a dove from a snake’s egg. Don’t expect from others what you can’t promise them yourself. Don’t expect to be offered a chair when you are visiting a place where the chief sits on the floor. Don’t expect. Inspect. Don’t extinguish something that does not burn you. Don’t fall before you’re pushed. Don’t fan the flame that supports the fire. 165 Don’t fetch water in a basket. Don’t fight a lion with a stick. Don’t fight with someone who has nothing to lose. Don’t fight with the strong one, don’t sue the rich one. Don’t find fault with what you don’t understand. Don’t fire until you see the white of his eye. Don’t fly till your wings are feathered. Don’t get mad, get even. Don’t get scaled by the gruel of another. Don’t give a child a name until after it is born. Don’t give a dog a bad name in order to have an excuse to burn it. Don’t give away what you need for yourself. Don’t give cherries to a pig; don’t give advice to a fool. Don’t give cherries to pigs or advice to fools. Don’t give in to spells, they won’t give in to you. Don’t give your son’s wife fall-harvest eggplant to eat. Don’t give yourself more tasks than you can handle. Don’t go a-fishing to a famous stream. Don’t go early or late to the well. Don’t go near the water until you learn how to swim. Don’t go putting wool on a sheep’s back. Don’t go selling the hide while the bear remains in the hole. Don’t go to law with the devil in the court of hell. Don’t go to the doctor for every malady, nor to the lawyer for every disagreement, nor to the fountain for every thirst. Don’t go to the pub without money. Don’t guild the lily. Don’t halt before you are lame. Don’t hang all your clothes on one hook. Don’t hang your conscience on your back. Don’t hang your hat higher than you can reach.