Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 146

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Correct a wise man, and he will be grateful; correct a fool, and he will not only give a deaf ear, but send you off with a flea in your ear. Correction bringeth fruit. Correction is good when administered in time. Corruptly acquired goods are not praised by the third heirs. Corsair against corsair nothing is got but empty casks. Corsairs against corsairs, there is nothing to win but empty barrels. Cotton cannot play with fire. Could a man foresee events he would never be poor. Could everything be done twice it would be done better. Could everything be done twice, everything would be done better. Councils of war never fight. Counsel after action is like rain after harvest. Counsel before action. Counsel is as welcome to him as a shoulder of mutton to a sick horse. Counsel is irksome when the matter is past remedy. Counsel is nae command. Counsel is nothing against love. Counsel must be followed, not praised. Count again is not forbidden. Count no man successful until he is dead. Count not what is lost but what is left. Count not your chickens before they are hatched. Count siller after a’ your kin. Count the costs before starting the project and see if you have enough funds to finish it. Count the skins of badgers which haven’t been caught. Count your blessings. Counted sheep are eaten by the wolf. Counterfeit coin passes current at night. Coupled sheep drown one another. Courage cannot be bought at the inn. Courage is a kingdom without a crown. 145 Courage is fear that has said its prayers. Courage is illusion, balance is the best we can get. Courage is not the same as fighting someone stronger than you. Courage is often caused by fear. Courage is stronger than weakness. Courage is ten, nine is the ability to escape. Courage is the father of success. Courage mounteth with occasion. Courage wins over sickness. Courage without conduct is like a ship without ballast. Court not companionship with tigers. Courteous men learn courtesy from the discourteous. Courtesie is cumbersome to them that ken it not. Courtesy costs nothing. Courtesy is appropriate for gentlemen and necessary for thieves. Courtesy is the password to safety. Courtesy never offended anybody. Courtesy on one side can never last long. Courtesy on one side only never lasts for long. Courtesy that is all on one side cannot last long. Courting and wooing brings dallying and doing. Courts grant not their favours as men are good and deserving. Covard people have no homeland. Cover a dog bite with fur. Cover the back of an image of Buddha with gold leaf. Cover the ears and steal the bell. Cover up the good you do – do like the Nile and conceal your sources. Cover up the pot, there’s an eel in it. Cover your candle, it will light more. Cover your head, and not cover your bottom. Covet not the property of others. Covet wealth, and want it; don’t, and luck will grant it. Covetous men’s chests are rich, not they.