Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 142

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Choose your wife with her nightcap on. Choose your woman with a velvet glove, but control her with a fist of iron. Choosy pigs never get fat. Chop wood, carry water. Chop your own firewood and it will warm you twice. Chop, and you will have splinters. Christ doesn’t pay every Friday evening. Christ is powerful, but more powerful is destiny. Christians commit enormous sins while celebrating the birth of Jesus. Christians have no neighbours. Christiecreek will come to ye. Christmas comes but once a year Christmas comes but once a year. Christmas comes, but once a year is enough. Christmas has been talked of so long that it has come at last. Christmas in mud, Easter in snow. Christmas is enjoyable, only if it comes once in a year. Christmas on the balcony, Easter by the fire. Cider on beer, never fear; beer upon cider, makes a bad rider. Civility costs nothing. Clap a carle on the culs, and he will shit in your louf. Clapping with only the right hand will not make a noise. Clapping with the right hand only will not produce a noise. Claw me and I’ll claw thee. Clay and lime conceal much evil. Clean around your own back door before you clean around someone else’s. Clean as God’s fingertips. Clean bodies, pure morals. Clean hands offend no one. Clean your own doorstep before you clean someone else’s. Clean your own yard first before asking oth- ers to clean theirs. Cleaning a blot with blotted fingers maketh a greater. Cleaning the house will not pay the rent. 141 Cleanliness is half a meal. Cleanliness is half your health. Cleanliness is half-health. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Cleanliness is out of faith. Cleanliness is the luxury of the poor. Cleanse thy heart from greed, and thy foot shall remain free from fetters. Clear accounts and thick chocolate. Clear accounts make for long friendships. Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking. Clear out of the ‘thakirio’. Clear pacts, long friendship. Clemency is the support of justice. Clergymen’s sons always turn out badly. Clever father, clever daughter; clever mother, clever son. Cleverness is better than strength. Cleverness is serviceable for everything, sufficient for nothing. Climb mountains to see lowlands. Cling not to experiences for ever-changing are they. Clippet sheep will growe again. Clodius impeaches the adulterers. Clogs to clogs in three generations. Close but no cigar. Close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades. Close sits my shirt, but closer my skin. Close the door and beat the dog. Close the door from which the wind blows and relax. Close to the Tsar, close to death. Close, but no cigar. Closeness without conflict only exists in the cemetery. Closer than the carotid artery. Closer than the closeness of the teeth to the tongue. Clothes cover up character. Clothes do not make the man. Clothes make the man.