Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 117

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Being blind doesn’t mean one cannot dream or imagine. Being born well at first, lameness does come. (Don’t laugh at your friend who is disabled; it may happen to you in the future.) Being but a woman, raise not the sword. Being careful is not being a coward. Being clean is the half of faith. Being happy in one’s home is better than being a chief. Being happy is better than being king. Being hospitable is more important than attending synagogue service early in the morning. Being ignorant of law is no excuse. Being in love is like feeling the sun from both sides. Being in love with a married woman is living on borrowed time. Being in the forest and failing to see trees is a curse. Being in the right does not depend on having a loud voice. Being loved is the best way of being useful. Being many is good, but it is bad when it comes to finishing the soup in the plate. (It is important to have a lot of people, even if that means having less ability to care for them.) Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle. Being overweight is being halfway sick. Being quiet is agreeing. Being serious and having a good time thrive together. Being someones right hand. Being too nice can cost a lot. Being warned, let us pursue a better course. Being well dressed does not prevent one from being poor. Being young is a fault which improves dai- ly. Believe a boaster as you would a liar. Believe half of what you hear about wealth and holiness. Believe half what’s recounted, the less you believe, the better you’ll do. 116 Believe him who speaks from experience. Believe in women as in the weather in April. Believe no man more than yourself when you are spoken of. Believe no tales from an enemy’s tongue. Believe not a swearing man and a weeping woman. Believe not that all that shines is gold. Believe not that the stream is shallow because its surface is smooth. Believe nothing and be on your guard against everything. Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see. Believe only a little of what you see and nothing that you hear. Believe only half of what you see and nothing you hear Believe that you have it, and you will have it. Believe that, and drink some water. Believe the liar up to the door of his house and no further than that. Believe what you see and lay aside what you hear. Believe what you see and not all you hear. Believe your servants but do not listen to them. Believing is easier than investigating. Belles are not for the beaux. Bells call to church but do not enter. Beloved children have many names. Below the navel there is neither religion nor truth. Bend the tree while is a twig. Bend the tree while it is young. Bend the willow while it is young. Bend with the tree that will bend with you. Benefits grow old betimes, but injuries are long livers. Benefits make a man a slave. Benefits please like flowers, when they are fresh. Benefits turn poison in bad minds. Benefits, like flowers, please most when they are fresh.