Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 110

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Baboons don’t’ laugh at each other’s tails. (Don’t laugh at each other’s failings because we can also have the same ones.) Bacchus hath drowned more men than Neptune. Bachelor, a peacock; betrothed, a lion; married, an ass. Back again, like a bad penny. Bad actions lead to worse reactions. Bad and good are intertwined like rope. Bad beginnings lead to bad results. Bad bird, bad egg. Bad birds seldom bring good weather. Bad charcoal only makes smoke. Bad children? Guilty parents. Bad company spoils good habbits. Bad egg, bad chick. Bad eyes never see any good. Bad fowl, bad egg. Bad friends will prevent you from having good friends. Bad grass does not die easily. Bad grass does not make good hay. Bad habits are worse than rabies. Bad head, bad heart. Bad hen, bad egg. Bad is called good when worse happens. Bad is the sack that will not bear patching. Bad is the wool that cannot be died. Bad is want which is born of plenty. Bad legs and ill wives should stay at home. Bad luck can’t be dated. Bad luck for one man is good luck for another. Bad luck is fertile. Bad luck wears out even the stout-hearted. Bad luck wos dan Obeah. Bad men excuse their faults, good men leave them. Bad merchandise is never cheap. Bad money always comes back. Bad money drives out good. Bad money is never lost. Bad news goes about in clogs, good news in stockinged feet. Bad news has wings. Bad news is always true. 109 Bad news is the first to come. Bad news proceeds by wings, good news hardly walks. Bad news travels fast Bad news travels fast. Bad officials are elected by poor citizens who do not vote. Bad people don’t sing. Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. Bad the crow, bad the egg. Bad thought bears evil deeds. Bad tidings always come too soon. Bad to do evil, but worse to boast about it. Bad ware is never cheap. Bad ware must be cried up. Bad watch often feeds the wolf. Bad water also quenches the fire. Bad weather gets better, a bad man never does. Badly oiled wheels will squeak. Bairns mother burst never. Bairns speak i’ the field what they hear i’ the ha’. Bait the hook well and the fish will bite. Bake the bread while the oven is hot. Bakuba is far away, no person ever reached it. Bald people can always find a comb. Bald-headed men are ready-made buddhist priests. Bam’s eggplant doesn’t have a defect. Bandage up your finger and take a walk in the village to see how many medical people you will meet. Banish a strong man, banish a strong man but when there is war you will look for the strong man. Bannaks is better nor na kind of bread. Bannocks are better than nae bread. Bare gentry are braging and beggars. Bare is a brotherless behind. Bare is brotherless back. Bare-footed men need not tread upon thorns.