Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Mama Mada | Page 47

Mama Mada With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And- -which is more- -you'll be a Man, my son! Gold Painted Jars—Wines Worth A Thousand by Li Po Jade carved dishes - food costing more. I throw the chopsticks down, Food and wine are tasteless. Draw my magic sword, Mind confused stare round me. See the ice floes block the Yellow River. Feel the snowfall shroud the T’ai-hang Mountains. Quiet again I cast in dark waters, Find the fragile boat that might drift sunwards. Hard Journey. So many side-tracks. Turn after turn, and where am I? New breezes flatten down the waves ahead. I’ll set cloud sails, cross the Blue Horizon. ‘Harvest’ by Isab el Galleym o re After stripping the branches of berries the robin held a handful of seeds in her stomach: the robin carried a tree – in fact she secretly sowed a whole forest – a store of bows and arrows and shields. Years found the bird had planted a battle, her tiny body had borne the new king. Men looked up to the skies and blessed or blamed the planets moving overhead. A blackbird, meanwhile, started to pick at the fruit both armies had left. 42