Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Mama Mada | Page 231

Mama Mada The Trails They Leave by We nd y Kle in The wasp, the honeybee, investigators of leaves and flower heads, all riffle and proboscis, translating everything they take into their own sustenance, are prescribed in this, survival an instinct, not a concern, but the trails they leave, the flightlines they weave, make for ghosts we would trace, if we could, back through the air, much as we would trace the calls of birds and beasts, the growths of trees, the sunbeams, evaporations of rivers and seas, the world in its raptures and griefs, the spirals it perpetuates – as so many spins, so many wheels, spooled back to us through the twists and turns of the thoughts by which we find them sensible. Tracing Orion by Maria Taylo r You were already fully grown and frolicking with lovers under the stars, around the time when I used my rough book to trace constellations at night. I’d recite names like magic spells: Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka. The hunter’s body in space impossible to touch. You in the middle of nowhere fumbling with straps in the dark. Me in a box room. Star-gazing. 226