Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Mama Mada | Page 207

Mama Mada The Water-Carrier by Niall Cam p b e ll I want to be the worst of this profession, the one who makes it home half-empty, tipping more air than water from the ringing pot, and so late back the town’s already dark; Oh no, they’ll say, that’s not the way of it, and I’ll know their heaven’s brimful and undrunk, their lips parched. What do they know of the kiss on the shoulder of that first spilt drop, the tuneful drip, drip, drip on the stone path? Midway home, midway from the source, my dream-sun bleaching the sky, what could be better than dry road ahead, my flooded road behind? I Heard the Sparrows Aging by Le ah Um ansk y I heard the sparrows aging a devouring call a broken spring, there, turning. a sputtering of what sounds like keys the lost just within a-reach Tenants of the past nearly a-hold Oh, the horse and the rapture; The horsefly and the rupture. to a sleepy pungent a beautied terror a backward giving and the rain coughing… Let the gutter turn operatic. I will sing of the heart 202