Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Mama Mada | Page 203

Mama Mada Body by Tania Hershm an I saw my mother’s heart today. She pressed up against the machine while, a few feet away I watched it load on the computer screen. Is that…? I asked. The radiologist immune to the novelty of inside views, nodded. I’d helped my mother get undressed, seen for the first time the vest she wore to cover where her breasts had been. I had not expected several minutes later to see her chest – like wings unfurling – open itself out to me. Released, my mother stood small and grinning in her backless gown, no idea what I’d seen or what she’d shown. I kept it to myself, my mother’s heart. It had not looked as I’d imagined, but like a star, shooting through her ribs, that body I used to be a part of. 198