Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Mama Mada | Page 181

Mama Mada The Bird Room by Daw n Go rm an There were no birds here, just books about them, maps on the walls with a forest of pins to mark where he’d seen them, and drawer after drawer of eggs. Her bed was squeezed into a corner; she drew in her borders so she could fit. A leopard-print chair was pushed up close every night to stop her rolling out; she remembers the dusty smell of it, and beyond, the glint of drawer knobs she was forbidden to touch. He’d collected the eggs, he said, before it was illegal, took only one from each clutch. This was meant to be a good thing, but she felt their loneliness, lifted her face for the same whiff of air. Sometimes she imagined the unlived chicks bobbing on perfect, cotton wool sea; their feet, unseen, kicked at precisely-positioned labels. 176