Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Mama Mada | Page 115

Mama Mada For one white singing hour of peace Count many a year of strife well lost, And for a breath of ecstasy Give all you have been, or could be. A Girl by Ezra Po und The tree has entered my hands, The sap has ascended my arms, The tree has grown in my breast - Downward, The branches grow out of me, like arms. Tree you are, Moss you are, You are violets with wind above them. A child - so high - you are, And all this is folly to the world. To the Tune Of Thinking Of Maiden Chin by Li Qingzhao I ascent high on the sotried pavilion, Below,mountains scatter in disorder; The unclutivated plain extends far in the light mist. In the light mist, Crows have returned to their mests; The evening horm is heard in the dusk. Burnt-out incense, left-over wine my melancholy heart! [The evening wind] hastens The wu tong leaves fall. The wu tong leaves fall, Again the autumn becaomes beautiful, Again the heart is lonesome. 110