Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories 2 | Page 61

Atondido Stories “What is your name,” the prince asked, “and what can you do?” “People call me Longshanks because I can stretch myself out. I’ll show you. Do you see a bird’s nest in the top of that tall fir? I’ll get it down for you and not by climbing the tree either.” So saying he began to stretch out and his body shot up and up until he was as tall as the fir tree. He reached over and got the nest and then, in a shorter time than it had taken him to stretch out, he reduced himself to his natural size. “You do your trick very well,” the prince said, “but just now a bird’s nest isn’t of much use to me. What I need is some one to show me the way out of this forest.” “H’m,” Longshanks said, “that’s an easy enough matter.” Again he began to stretch himself up and up and up until he was three times as tall as the highest pine in the forest. He looked around and said: “Over there, in that direction, is the nearest way out.” Then he made himself small again, took the horse by the bri- dle, walked ahead, and in a short time they emerged from the forest. A broad plain stretched out before them and beyond it they could see tall gray rocks that looked like the walls of a great city and mountains overgrown with forests. Longshanks pointed off across the plain and said: “There, master, goes a comrade of mine who would be very useful to you. You ought to take him into your service too.” “Very well,” said the prince, “call him here that I may find out what sort of a fellow he is.” “He is too far away to call,” Longshanks said. “He wouldn’t hear my voice and if he did he would be a long time in reaching us, for he has much to carry. I had better step over and get him 57