Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories 2 | Page 415

Atondido Stories Peter leaped on the Devil's back and off they flew over mountains and forests and distant countries. They alighted in a deep forest beside a bubbling spring. "Now, little brother-in-law," the Devil said, "wash in this wa- ter and see how handsome you'll soon be." Peter threw off his clothes and jumped into the water and when he came out his skin was as beautiful and fresh as a girl's. He looked at his own reflection in the spring and it made him so happy that he said to the Devil: "Brother-in-law, I'm more grateful to you for this than for all the money you've given me. Now my dear Linka will love me!" He put his arms about the Devil's neck and off they flew once again. This time they went to a big city where Peter bought beautiful clothes and jewels and coaches and horses. He engaged servants in fine livery and, when he was ready to go to his bride, he had a following that was worthy of any prince. At the castle the Princess Linka paced her chamber pale and trembling. The two older sisters were with her, laughing heart- lessly and making evil jokes, and running every moment to the window to see if the groom were coming. At last they saw in the distance a long line of shining coaches with outriders in rich livery. The coaches drew up at the castle gate and from the first one a handsome youth, arrayed like a prince, alighted. He hurried into the castle and ran straight up- stairs to Linka's chamber. At first Linka was afraid to look at him for she supposed he was still black. But when he took her hand and whispered: "Dear Linka, look at me now and you won't be frightened," she looked and it seemed to her that Peter was the very handsomest young man in all the world. She fell in love with him on sight and I might as well tell you she's been in love with him ever since. 411