Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories 2 | Page 281

Atondido Stories She sang her merry little song as usual and the goats trotted cheerfully along. She found her mother vexed with her, for she had wanted to reel yesterday’s yarn and had discovered that the spindle was not full. “What were you doing yesterday,” she scolded, “that you didn’t spin your stint?” Betushka hung her head. “Forgive me, mother. I danced too long.” Then she showed her mother today’s spindle and said: “See, today I more than made up for yesterday.” Her mother said no more but went to milk the goats and Be- tushka put away the spindle. She wanted to tell her mother her adventure, but she thought to herself: “No, I’ll wait. If the beauti- ful lady comes again, I’ll ask her who she is and then I’ll tell mother.” So she said nothing. On the third morning she drove the goats as usual to the birch wood. The goats went to pasture and Betushka, sitting down under a tree, began to spin and sing. When the sun point- ed to noon, she laid her spindle on the grass, gave the goats a mouthful of bread, gathered some strawberries, ate her lunch- eon, and then, giving the crumbs to the birds, she said cheerily: “Today, my little goats, I will dance for you!” She jumped up, folded her arms, and was about to see whether she could move as gracefully as the beautiful maiden, when the maiden herself stood before her. “Let us dance together,” she said. She smiled at Betushka, put her arm about her, and as the music above their heads began to play, they whirled round and round with flying feet. Again Betushka forgot the spindle and the goats. Again she saw noth- ing but the beautiful maiden whose body was lithe as a willow shoot. Again she heard nothing but the enchanting music to 277