Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories 2 | Page 268

Atondido Stories “That’s nothing, my child. Just go behind the hut and you will find a spring.” Lenka went and there, sure enough, was a clear bubbling spring and on the ground beside it a bucket. She filled the bucket and carried it back to the hut. As she entered the door she could hardly believe her eyes, for on the wall she saw a row of shining plates, big plates and little plates, and cups, and everything else that ought to be in a kitchen. The old beggar had started a fire, so Lenka at once put on water to boil. “Look in the sack,” the beggar said. Lenka untied the sack again and here it was full of fine meal and bread and smoked meat! So now Lenka lost no time in preparing a good supper. Then she washed the old beggar’s face and hands and together they ate. After supper Lenka spread out her ragged clothes on the floor of the inner room and put the beggar in there for the night. She herself stretched out on the kitchen bench. It was a hard bed but Lenka made no complaint and presently she fell asleep. At midnight there was a knocking at the door and a voice called out: “A m an am I Six inches high, But a long, long beard Hangs from my chin. Open the door And let me in!” Lenka jumped down and opened the door and there before her stood a tiny dwarf with a long beard. He was Long Beard who lived in the mountains and of whom Lenka had often heard stories. 264