African Design Magazine October 2014 | Page 23

News Why you need a healthy colour balance in your life Colour is all around us. It makes food look appetising, it imbues our environment with atmosphere and it reflects our moods and personalities in the clothes we wear. Yet, apart from artists and interior designers, most people seldom consciously think about the impact that colour has on their health, state of mind and emotions. That’s why Plascon, South Africa’s leading paint and coatings brand, annually hosts the Plascon National Colour Week. This week-long festival is an opportunity to stop and think about what the colours in our world mean to us and the powerful effect that colour has on our lives. “Colours may trend one season and be out of fashion the next, but choosing the right colour for every occasion and environment will enhance your life. To be truly happy and healthy, we need a balance of all the colours in the colour spectrum.” says Anne Roselt, Colour Marketing Manager at Kansai Plascon Paint. By understanding how colour affects us, we can improve our quality of life and bring an atmosphere of harmony into our home, she adds. Here’s a breakdown of how colours affect people: · Red warms up a room, stimulates people’s passions, and even raises our pulse rates. It symbolises vitality and love and is associated with power, excitement, strength and passion. Shades of red are perfect for public areas such as kitchens, dining-rooms, passages and recreation areas. · Pink is comforting and soothing as has an air of optimism and happiness. It creates a sense of romance and calm and is suitable for bedrooms and bathrooms and relaxation areas. · Orange stimulates creativity, joy and happiness. It’s a sociable colour and a great anti-depressant. Since orange stimulates the appetite and has a beautiful glow by candlelight, it is a popular colour for restaurants, dining rooms and kitchens. · Yellow is associated with the sun’s life-giving energies. Soft, golden yellows are warm and welcoming, while bright yellows are cheerful and radiant. · Green provides balance and harmony and has come to symbolise health, growth and vitality. It has healing properties, which is why we instinctively take a walk in the garden or park when we feel stressed. Soft greens are soothing and calming, both physically and mentally green helps link us to nature. · Blue helps us feel protected from the hustle and bustle of a busy day. The more subdued shades of blue are relaxing, cooling, and encourage intuition. Indigo blue is believed to help open the mind and heighten intuition. Electric blues, meanwhile, are energising and youthful. · Purple combines the excitement of red with the tranquillity of blue, making it the most complex colour of the rainbow. It is linked to spirituality, creativity, selfrespect and dignity. Purple is also associated with prosperity, wealth and increased productivity. · White is the colour of peace and purity. Its uncluttered simplicity will help cleanse your mind of worry and open it up to fresh ideas and creativity. White is bright and airy, but on its own can make a room look cold and uninviting. Softer whites are less alienating, so use different shades and textures of white to create warmth and interest. “We need a variety of colours in our homes, just as we need variety in the food we eat and the things that we do. One tip is to consciously think about the energy you’d like each room in your home to have, rather than choosing colours that represent your current state of mind. Also, instead of painting a room in one colour – which can be dull – why not introduce colour harmonies to maintain a balance