African ChangeMakers Magazine - #ACMagazine #ACMagazine Issue 1, May 2018. | Page 21

serious game development in Africa by: Ngnaoussi E. Christian We all want to learn. But how can we make it more engaging both for the teacher and the learner? How to learn better? The best way to do it is through a game. Keep on reading and find out why developing mobile video game can be a solution to provide more access to education in Africa.  A QUICK BRIEF ON SERIOUS GAMES Serious Games are pedagogical games designed to educate, train and inform. These entertaining games for learning, have attracted obvious attention in the field of education, medical sector, and public institutions. They are characterized by various elements, such as goals, rules, restrictions, interaction, challenge, feedback, rewards, and competition.  SOME AFRICAN GAME DEVELOPERS They are supposed to be an effective and efficient instructional strategy for teaching and learning as they involve competition and are organized by rules and restrictions to achieve a certain educational goal. For instance, competition stimulates the will to win and help students to stay focused on the learning activity. Some of them have taken the lead by developing games that go beyond folkloric echoes into having modern social relevance. Maliyo’s mobile game Mosquito Smasher isn’t just a satisfying time-killer but also keys into a serious health problem.  A READY MARKET FOR AFRICAN GAMES The potential of mobile serious games in the African market It “aimed at raising awareness of malaria, is huge, especially because of high investment returns, a and sensitizing people about the need to relative ease of development, the ability to attract many cultivate good hygiene habits” says Obi, different users and their applicability in real life. African cofounder of Maliyo Games video game developer should cooperate with the corporate In Africa, mobile devices and smartphones training and education industry.  are the most convenient and affordable African W video developer W W . I S game LANDS - M A G A Z I N can E . C turn O M smartphones into platform used to access content. another instrument to further improve learning efficiency. Through smartphones and mobile devices (tablets, iPads, Educational games are thus an innovative etc.) the development of skills and soft skills will be easier instructional strategy to achieve learning and more affordable than ever before in Africa. more effectively.