Have you ever felt less beautiful than the person standing next to you? Or thought if I only just changed this I would feel confident?

How can we truly let go of these thoughts? These are lies that get replayed over and over. These lies can create deep insecurities within us if we let them. Before one realizes it, a thought like this leads into a hundred more like it. Everyone struggles with these thoughts. Yes, EVERYONE. The question is, How can finally break free? There is only one answer - Jesus.

The key to developing your identity and unraveling true inner beauty can only come from one thing alone. Jesus Christ created each one of us uniquely for the individual destinies he has planned. He is the everlasting, eternal king that knows exactly what we need. We are made complete and 100 percent satisfied when we are standing firm in him alone. How do we get there?

We get there by spending time with him and basking in his presence. Time in his presence...

1.Spend Time in his word and his presence daily. This should not be rushed but viewed as a crucial element when starting your day. Time should be made for worship, bible study, prayer and listening. People often rush through the listening, but sometimes this could be the key to setting your course for the day.

2.Eliminate Distractions that you know can be polluting your thoughts or taking away your time with the Lord. Godly fellowship is also a key.

3.Connect with a core group within the church. These people can love, encourage and nurture you. They will be crucial to keeping you accountable throughout your journey with Christ. There should be a key person who takes the time to pour into you, and there should be a person that you are investing in as well.

4.Trust in the Lord and be patient in the process of transformation that is taking place. Before you know it, you will become more confident and spiritually mature. It will be easier to hold onto the promises instead of the lies of the world. By Allie Bauman

is the only thing that can unlock all the blessings, gifts, and knowledge that he has in store. He wants to reveal all his secrets, he wants to lift you up and encourage you. He wants us to find him in our weakness, but also when we are strong. He wants us to take the time to listen. When you delight yourself in the Lord and enter into an intimate place with him, no one else can speak to your heart and spirit like Jesus. As I said before, he knows exactly what you need in every moment that you need it.

When priorities shift and our time with the Lord is cut short, we begin to get filled with different things that can lead to jealousy, anger and loneliness. It is a road that leads to lack of satisfaction and invites constant thoughts of comparison.

As children of God, we need to take authority of our time and thoughts. We have the ability to take these thoughts captive and speak words of life. We can proclaim God’s truth and hold onto every promise that he set before us. Here are some keys to your journey with God: