Losing weight and keeping the pounds off is not a quick and easy process, but a few simple and easy diet tricks can help a lot. by Kate Thompson

1.Drink water

Water is the best drink as it is calorie free and contains no artificial ingredients unlike other low calorie beverages. Drinking plenty of water freshen your skin and hair, boosts your metabolism and also help in filling you up. Avoid sodas and artificial beverages as they are high in calories and sugar and can contribute to weight gain and dental problems if consumed too excess.

2.Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits

These are high in nutritional value and low in calories. By replacing portion sizes of protein and carbohydrates slightly with vegetables on your plate you can easily reduce the calorie content of your meal and provide yourself valuable nutrients.


Along with a healthy diet, exercise is the other factor that towards improving your health by losing weight. Try to do some exercise such as running, and swimming each day. Get your friends involved to make it easier or find another way to make it more fun and easier to stick to. Doing exercise will help relax your muscles as well as make you feel more energe ic and fresh.

6.Get most of your calories before noon

Studies have proved that the more you eat in the morning, the less you will eat in the evening. And you have more opportunities to burn off those early-day calories than you do to burn off dinner calories.

7.Use low fat products

Choose low fat products when there is an option. But don’t eliminate foods such as dairy products from your diet. These products provide the essential calcium and vitamins needed to build bones during the teenage years, but choose only natural fat or no fat version unlike other artificial fat versions.

8.Snack healthily

If you are hungry between meals, make sure your snacks are healthy as snacking is an easy way to add a lot of extra calories without really meaning to. Try low fat yogurt, fruits, hummus with vegetables to dip or a few unsalted nuts as healthier options.

How to lose weight the right way!

3.Eat wholegrain

Whole grain products such as bran bread, and brown rice are an excellent way to get the carbohydrates and as well as essential B vitamins and fibers. In your teenage years you are growing rapidly, so it is important to include some carbs to fuel your body in this process. Whole grain products also fill you up more so you eat less than that of processed versions such as white bread.

4.Use cooking methods with lower fat

By steaming, grilling, boiling or baking food without adding fat you can make out a bunch of calories and still relish the foods you enjoy. Avoid fried foods as these tend to be higher in fats and often the bad fats that are unhealthful for the heart. Turning off any visible fat from meat before cooking and keeping off the chicken skin can also burn the fatty. Little amount of healthy fats such as in nuts or avocado and olive oil have health benefits and may even help in losing weight.