AfMA Fleetdrive Issue 10 | Page 14


for Fleet Management

What is Robotic Process Automation ?
Robotic Process Automation ( RPA ) is the use of software bots to automate manual repetitive processes that traditionally required humans to perform .
RPA software bots are generally categorized in two main categories :
1 . Back office bot – runs in the background with no human interface , Back office bots are used for processes that require no human interaction such as the ordering of toll tags or fuel cards .
2 . Front office bot – runs by user command or user input . A front office bot enacts a process or part of a process based on a human input such as the selection of a keyboard key . Front office bots are used for processes such as consolidation of reports , reimbursement claims and management of process exceptions .
From the time that the vehicle is purchased , the life cycle of a vehicle is managed by communicating data with third party providers , whether it be a bank for fleet financing or an insurer for claims processing . An effective fleet management system provides the data required to manage this life cycle , however the task of processing this information can be time consuming and expensive .
Robotic Process Automation seeks to alleviate this challenge by automating manually repetitive tasks , allowing processors to focus on value adding tasks such as reporting , exception management and customer or driver service .
What are the practical applications for fleet management ?
Within the fleet management industry , RPA has been used for the process of purchasing and financing vehicles , fines and infringements management , toll road management , fuel card ordering and management , vehicle registrations , driver reimbursements , insurance claims and others .
What are the benefits ?
The benefit of a successful robotic process automation implementation is not only a reduction in time and a cost saving for processing . The benefits extend to the ability to scale a process , improved accuracy , improvement in compliance - being that the robot retains logs of processes complete - and a faster implementation than implementing a new system or customized software development .
14 ISSUE 10 2018 / WWW . AFMA . NET . AU