AFIYA Magazine Jan/Feb | Page 11

VITAL MOVEMENT 1) Put that Pen to the Paper Writing down your goals can be more powerful than you think. By putting them down on paper, you are able to develop a clearer picture of what you plan to accomplish. All of your focus and attention is given to the goal, allowing you to become clearer about what you intend to do and solidifying your commitment. Studies have shown that those who write down what they plan to achieve attain higher levels of success than those who don’t. 2) Be S.M.A.R.T. Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. Timely. When it comes to your goals, all of these words should describe your course of action to help you to attain greater success with the tasks at hand. Many times, the causes of us failing to reach our goals stem from the lack of methodical planning. To prevent yourself from missing a beat, take the time to ensure that your all of your goals are SMART so that you aren’t repeatedly starting from scratch. 4) Don’t Beat Yourself Up Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts. -Nikki Giovanni 3) Record How You’re Doing Keeping track of how things are developing can help you to address what methods should stay and which should be reconsidered. Select a mode of tracking that is most convenient for you, such as a journal, phone app or accountability partner, so that you can review all your steps as you go along. We’re all human and beautifully flawed. From time to time, we make mistakes and fall short of our own expectations, and that’s okay because our errors don’t define our future successes. If you discover that you have missed the mark on a specific goal, rather than dwell on what’s wrong, set your sights on finding ways to make things right and move forward. Not only will this save time, but it will also allow you to feel better about how far you’ve gone so far. 5) Celebrate Your Success “A success is a success!” It doesn’t matter how long it took you or what obstacles threw you off course. When you reach a goal, that is something worth celebrating. Reflecting and rejoicing in your successes not only feels good, but it is a reminder of the all the potential and strength you possess. Allow yourself this joy on a regular basis so that you never lose your enthusiasm. Carrying out the steps towards reaching a goal is a journey focused on creating a better you. Despite its significance or difficulty, accomplishing an objective you set for yourself fuels the fire for you wanting to achieve more. Incorporate these steps into your plans so that you can check everything off of your 2015 to-do list effortlessly. 11 | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2014 AFIYA MAGAZINE