affiliate marketing primer Affiliate Marketing Primer | Page 16

When looking over the sales or pitch page , you will want to think in terms of being a prospective buyer . Ask yourself some basic questions :
Does the page , headline and opening paragraph grab your attention .
Is the page easy to read in terms of colors , graphics and layout of the site .
Is the message being presented clear and concise and easy-tounderstand .
Are there highlights of important facts , headlines to break up content and pictures that are relevant to the topic matter ?
Does the page lead you to the logical conclusion where you want to buy the product ?
All of these things are important and will make or break you when people come through your referral link . Having a page where you want to buy the product will generally translate to high sales conversions .
In that way , the traffic you drive to the product site stand a higher chance of buying in the end . If the page left you with a ho-hum , whatever feeling , it is probably quite possible that visitors arriving at the site will have the same reaction .
As you go about promoting your affiliate products , make sure that you keep track of the products that are converting well , and the ones that are not . When you have a hot product that goes warm and then cold , you need to be ready to get rid of it .
Earlier I told you not to get attached to a product or service . This is why . You have to know when to get rid of it .