Advertising Standards Bureau Review of Operations 2015 | Page 28

The Board’s view Applying the Codes and Initiatives When considering complaints about advertising, the Advertising Standards Board is bound by a number of Codes and Initiatives. These Codes include: • Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) Code of Ethics • AANA Food & Beverages Code • ANA Code for Advertising & Marketing A Communications to Children • FGC Responsible Children’s Marketing A Initiative (RCMI) for the Australian Food and Beverage Industry FGC Quick Service Restaurant Industry A Initiative for Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children (QSRI) • FCAI Motor Vehicle Code • ANA Environmental Claims in Advertising A and Marketing Code Section 2.1 of the Code states: Advertising or Marketing Communications shall not portray people or depict material in a way which discriminates against or vilifies a person or Section of the community on account of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, sexual preference, religion, disability, mental illness or political belief. It is important for advertisers to note that depictions of any section of society may raise concerns of discrimination, especially if groups are presented in a stereotypical manner. Although the use of humour and a light-hearted nature in advertisements has in certain cases lessened the impact of the overall message, if the Board views the advertisement as discriminatory against any group it will breach Section 2.1. RADIO EDUCATING BUSINESS GOVERNMENT DETERMINATION TRANSPORT BONDING SELF-REGULATE INDEPENDENT BILLBOARDS PARTNERING TRANSPORT AUTHORITY POSTERS STANDARDS ADVERTISERS BILLBOARDS TELEVISION COOPERATING ACCOUNTABILITY MERGING COMMUNICATING SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTABILITY COMMUNITY EDUCATING SELF-REGULATE LIAISING COMPLAINT DETERMINATION CONSOLIDATING TRANSPARENCY RADIO COMPLAINT PARTNERING SELF-REGULATE POSTERS COMMUNITY DETERMINATION OUTDOOR INDEPENDENT PEOPLE ADVERTISERS RESPONSIVE MEMBERS TELEVISION INITIATIVES ACCOUNTABILITY ACCOUNTABILITY STANDARDS INTERNET RELIABLE GOVERNMENT UNITING REPORTS CONSUMERS COMMUNICATING ACCESSIBLE LIAISING • Discrimination or vilification (Section 2.1, AANA Code of Ethics) Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) Code of Ethics The majority of cases considered by the Advertising Standards Board fall under the AANA Code of Ethics. The Board considers cases under Section 2 of the Code, which is divided into six sections: In 2015 complaints about the issue of discrimination and vilification dropped significantly to just 15.76 per cent from 27.61 per cent of complaints in 2014. Discrimination against a