Advertising Standards Bureau Review of Operations 2014 | Page 48

Food and Beverage Advertising There are a range of self‑regulatory Codes and Initiatives which control advertising of food and beverages and advertising to children generally. It is important to note the scope and intention of these Initiatives and of the AANA Codes which also regulate food and beverage advertising. These Codes and Initiatives do not purport to prevent advertising of food and beverages to children. AANA Food and Beverages Advertising and Marketing Communications Code The ASB administers the AANA Food and Beverages Code (the AANA Food Code). The AANA Food Code has provisions around advertising food and beverages generally. Part 3 of this Code has specific restrictions around advertising food and beverages to children and these are discussed below in relation to cases under the Food Code. During 2014, 19 cases were considered under the AANA Food Code, 12 of which were also considered under the RCMI or QSRI and are discussed below. The key issues to be drawn from cases considered primarily under the AANA Food Code during 2014 relate to truth and accuracy. Section 2.1 - Truth and Accuracy/ Nutritional composition of the product The truth of claims and statements made in food advertisements is an issue that the Board can consider under section 2.1 of the Food Code. During 2014 a number of complaints concerned the truthfulness of statements made in advertisements for food products including whether or not the following comments in advertising were misleading: 0232/14) whether the advertising of A2 protein in milk highlights misleading health benefits (Lion - 0272/14) • w hether an advertisement for barista-made coffee is misleading if not all coffee sold is barista made (McDonald’s - 0283/14) • w hether depiction of sliced cheese and fresh salad in products that contain only processed or frozen ingredients is misleading (McDonald’s - 0376/14 and Hungry Jacks - 0406/14) In each of these cases the complaint were dismissed. In 2014 only one complaint was upheld under section 2.1 for being misleading or deceptive: • t he use of the words ‘fresh’ and ‘spring’ in describing apples was found to be misleading as the apples had been stored in cold storage for a number of months and were not harvested in spring (Coles - 0407/14) Section 2.2 - Excess consumption and undermining balanced diets In 2014, one advertisement was initially upheld under the Food Code for promoting excess consumption by showing unrealistic amounts of food for the number of people depicted YUM Restaurants - 0154/14). However, upon reconsideration by the Board, following the recommendation of the Independent Reviewer, this determination was reversed, as the Board determined that the amount of food was not unrealistic for the target audience which was described as being families and groups of friends. • • w hether free range products ‘taste better’ than non-free range products (Coles - 0023/14 and 0025/14) • w hether use of ima vW2