Advertising Standards Bureau - Review of Operations 2013 | Page 98

Individual Company Action Plans Appendix I - Definitions Companies will sign up to this initiative as a minimum commitment and will develop and In this Initiative: publish individual Company Action Plans that outline their specific commitments including individual nutritional standards if applicable in order to meet the core principles of this initiative. Because companies and their product lines vary, the way companies comply with this framework will differ. However, all commitments will be consistent with the core principles outlined in this initiative. This initiative outlines the minimum commitments required by signatories. Companies may choose to go further if they wish. Complaints AFGC and AANA have formulated a transparent public complaints system, managed by the Advertising Standards Bureau. Sanctions may be imposed on participants who fail to meet their obligations under the terms of this initiative. Compliance monitoring Companies are required to report on their marketing communication activities to children on an annual basis. Key criteria have been established to assess how companies’ activities meet the core principles outlined in this initiative. AFGC will be responsible for coordinating the monitoring of company activities on an annual basis to confirm compliance, with resultant reports being made publically available. 96 Marketing Communications means (a) atter which is published or broadcast m using any medium in all of Australia or in a substantial section of Australia for payment or other valuable consideration and which draws the attention of the public or a segment of it, to a product, service, person, organisation, or line of conduct in a manner calculated to promote or oppose directly or indirectly that product, service, person, organisation or line of conduct; (b) ny activity which is undertaken by or on a behalf of an advertiser or marketer for payment or other valuable consideration and which draws the attention of the public or a segment of it to a product, service, person, organisation or line of conduct in a manner calculated to promote or oppose directly or indirectly the product, service, person, organisation or line of conduct, but does not include Excluded Advertising or Marketing Communications. Excluded Marketing Communications means labels or packaging for products. Advertising or Marketing Communications to Children is defined by the AANA Code for Advertising and Marketing Communications to Children and means advertising or marketing communications which, having regard to the theme, visuals, and language used, are directed primarily to children and are for product. Media means television, radio, print, cinema and third-party internet sites where the audience is predominantly children and/or having regard to the theme, visuals, and language used are directed primarily to children. Children means persons under 12 years of age. Popular Personalities and Characters means: • a personality or character from a C program or P program • a popular program or movie character • a non-proprietary cartoon, animated or computer generated character • a popular personality. Premium means anything offered free or at a reduced price and which is conditional upon the purchase of a children’s food or beverage product. Appendix II - Indicative Television Program List Under The Responsible Children’s Marketing Initiative, participants will not advertise food and beverage products to children under 12 in media unless it meets core principles in relation to advertising messaging. In this initiative media is defined as: television, radio, print, cinema and third-party internet sites where the audience is predominantly children and/or having regard to the theme, visuals, and language used are directed primarily to children. The key to determining whether media or programs are designed for children is whether the themes, visuals, language and concepts are those that are appropriate to children under 12. This includes all P and C programs but there are also a number of G rated programs which, using the criteria outlined above, are considered to be designed for children. Advertising Standards Bureau