Adventure Outdoors Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 68

WALLEYE FISHING Walleyes can be found mainly in the Midwest , but are stocked in other areas for sport fishing competitions and events . Walleyes are members of the Perch family of fish and the biggest walleyes can weigh over 20 pounds . Walleyes are silver or yellow ( or a combination of both ) in color . Their first dorsal fins are sharp and spiny , and their backs are black . The underbelly of a walleye is white , along with its tail , usually . The walleye actually gets its name from its reflective eye , which is made up of a pigment that helps them hunt for food in dark and murky waters . Because of this pigment , walleyes are sensitive to light , so if you are fishing on a clear , sunny day , the walleyes will not be in shallow water . Look for them in the darkness .
Walleye are said to be great for eating , but there is a “ catch .” Fresh walleye that is not found in the northern Midwest or Canada is likely not as fresh as the sellers claim .
If you are in the area for fishing purposes , you have to try fresh walleye . Once you taste the sweet , fleshy fillet , you will not ever want to try to cook frozen walleye again . When you can get it fresh , you ' ll never go back .
Buy fresh walleye and take it back with you to freeze for later . It still won ' t be as amazing as that first bite , but it will be much better than any store-bought version . You will , however , want to eat the smaller walleyes , compared to larger , heavier ones . These are less likely to contain harmful components for human consumption . When in doubt , board a local charter in your walleye fishing area of choice , and they will be able to walk you through the entire process , from picking your fish , to cleaning and cooking it .
Besides being delicious and plentiful , walleye is also a huge name in sport fishing competitions . Because of the abundance of walleye , and its size and weight charts , more and more fishermen are becoming addicted to reeling them in . Canada is a great place to find walleye as well , but if you are not willing to go that far north , stick to the Midwest and the Great Lakes .