Devotion Booklets for Seasons of the Church Year Advent-Christmas Devotional - 2017 - single page | Page 15

Have No Fear! God Loves You Monday, December 11th Romans 8:38-39 Long distance relationships are tough. No matter how in love two people might be, there are still many obstacles in making that love last. The physical distance means they won’t be able to see each other in person very often. If they’re in different time zones, even calling or video chatting can be difficult to coordinate. They may put their future plans on hold until the time of separation is over. Perhaps their love will even fade over the long distance. A lot of things can get in the way. A lot of things can get in the way of our relationship with God, too. Our love and devotion to God dwindles at times. We may get so wrapped up in the daily grind that we forget to spend a few moments with God in his Word. We may worry so much about the future that we forget to thank God for the blessings of the past. We may spend more time loving our many material possessions than showing love to the God who gave them to us. Even the devil and his demons are constantly trying to pull our attention away from God, so that we focus more on ourselves. Even though our love for God isn’t perfect, his love for us is perfect. Nothing gets in the way of God’s love for us. We never have to be afraid that God will stop loving us. His love for us was shown most of all in Jesus. Jesus’ death proves that God has forgiven you for all the times you let other things get in your way of loving him. Jesus’ resurrection proves God loves you so much that he will raise you from the dead to be with him in heaven. The many distractions of life do not distract God from loving you. The unknown changes of the future will not change how much God loves you. The devil and all his demons can’t stand between you and God’s love. Earthly authorities could take everything you have but they can’t take away God’s love from you. Nothing in the entire universe can crowd out God’s love for you. Even death itself, which separates us from our loved ones, can’t separate us from the God – in fact, it brings us to his side in heaven. Couples who date over long distance might be scared that their love will die. But you need have no such fear because there is no distance, no obstacle, and no situation that will sever the love God has for you in Christ Jesus. Prayer: Merciful Lord, your love knows no bounds. Thank you for giving us Jesus to assure us that your love is abiding and sincere. Let your inseparable love lead us to thank you daily. Amen. Activity: List some of the things going on in your life that have you worried or stressed right now. Now read Romans 8:38, 39 and insert those things on your list into the verse. 15