Advancing Social Work in Mental Health Through SBP Advancing Social Work in Mental Health | Page 4

Francis ; Pulla ; Clark ; Mariscal ; Ponnuswami
Advancing Social Work in Mental Health through Strengths-based Practice
Copyright © 2014 Abraham P . Francis ; Venkat Pulla ; Michael Clark ; E . Susana Mariscal and Ilango Ponnuswami
All rights reserved under conditions described in the Copyright Act 1968 of Australia . No part of this book may be reproduced , stored , or transmitted by any means - whether auditory , graphic , mechanical , or electronic - without written permission of both publisher and author , except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews . Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law . Under the Copyright Act of 1968 It is a fair dealing to make a reproduction for the purposes of research or study , of one or more articles on the same subject in a periodical publication , or , in the case of any other work , of a reasonable portion of a work . In the case of a published work in hardcopy form that is not less than 10 pages and is not an artistic work , 10 % of the number of pages , or one chapter , is a reasonable portion .
National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Title : through
Advancing social work in mental health
Strengths-based practice ISBN : 9781312232303 ( paperback ) Subjects : Social work with people with mental disabilities . People with mental disabilities — Services for . Social work administration .
Chief Authors : Francis , Abraham P ., editor . Pulla , Venkat , editor . Clark , Michael D , editor . Mariscal , Susana , editor . Ponnuswami , Ilango , editor .
Dewey Number : 362.3
2 nd Reprint Edition
First Published in 2014 by the Primrose Hall Publishing Group Brisbane Australia www . primrosehall . com
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These works have been peer reviewed .