Advancing Social Work in Mental Health Through SBP Advancing Social Work in Mental Health | Page 10

Francis ; Pulla ; Clark ; Mariscal ; Ponnuswami
of Psychology with Honours ( Graduate ). He works primarily in the area of social psychology and has conducted research into ageing , refugees , and the influence of media on social attitudes such as prejudice . Contact daniel . miller1 @ jcu . edu . au
Dr .. D ... Muralidhar , is Professor at the Department of Psychiatric Social Work NIMHANS , Bangalore . Muralidhar Daliboina studied for his M . A ( Social Work ) at Andhra University , and his M . Phil . and PhD at Bangalore University in India . He has worked in NIMHANS , Bangalore , India for more than 30 years . He strongly believes in resilience in patients and families and in bringing change through group process in the field of mental health . His areas of interest range from working with persons suffering from schizophrenia , alcohol and substance use , sexuality and mainstreaming sexual minorities - especially transgender , care for the elderly , research in the field of mental health and professional social work . Eleven Doctoral Theses have been completed under his guidance in his chosen fields . He has produced about eighty research pieces and articles in national and international journals , chapters in books , and edited books . He advocates that patients and families are the best teachers for both practitioners and academicians in the field of mental health and social work education . He serves as Vice- President of the Indian Society of Professional Social Work . Contact : dmuralinimhans @ gmail . com
Dr . E . Susana Mariscal is a senior research assistant at the University of Kansas , School of Social Welfare - Office of Child Welfare and Children ’ s Mental Health . She has a PhD and MSW from the University of Kansas and a Licenciatura from the Catholic University of Bolivia . Her career has focused on violence prevention and resilience , including child sexual abuse , child maltreatment , foster care , and children exposed to intimate partner violence , particularly among Latinos . She has also worked as a consultant , and developed programs to enhance youth