Adult Financial Literacy Guide | Page 23

Getting through a divorce or separation: A financial checklist continued  Pay off your credit cards and other debts. Once you and your ex-spouse have a separation agreement, you will divide your assets and debts. Then you can pay off your joint credit cards, and either close them down or transfer them to your name only. Make sure you have your own credit card before you close any joint ones. Also, check your credit report within three months of your separation/ divorce so you can clean up any errors. For instance, make sure all joint loans and credit cards are shut down. In Canada, to check your credit report, you can contact: Equifax Canada 1-800-465-7166 TransUnion Canada 1-800-663-9980  Don’t make any big financial decisions right away. Avoid making big purchases or big investment decisions until Photo via Visualhunt you and your ex-spouse have divided your assets and debts. Give yourself time to decide what’s best for you and your family, and be sure to get professional advice if you need it.  Update your will. You’ll probably do this as you put together your divorce agreement. It’s important that you protect your children in case something happens to you. Make sure you get legal advice to put everything in order. Getting Separated or Divorced Most people who go through a divorce or legal separation will need legal help even if you and your ex-spouse find it fairly easy to work things out. This is because you need to know what the law says is fair when you divide up your assets. A lawyer can also explain how child support and spousal support work in your province. 23