Adult Financial Literacy Guide | Page 21

Living as a Couple
Whether you are planning to get married or moving in together , deciding to live with someone is a big step in a relationship and there are financial issues to consider .
Money can be a difficult topic to discuss as you move in together , but discussing it early can save you stress in the long run . Be honest with your partner so that you both have a full understanding of what your current financial situation is and where you hope to be in the future .
The following link has seven money conversations every couple should have !
http :// www . fcac-acfc . gc . ca / Eng / forConsumers / lifeEvents / livingCouple / Pages / Couplesa-Lescoupl-1 . aspx
Set financial goals together so that you can start the process of planning as a couple . Examples of things to consider are :
If one of you carries debt , what are the steps to pay it back ? Do you plan to own a home in the near future ? Are you planning to have children ?

Living as a Couple

The following link has tips and tools on how to manage your finances as a couple .
Photo credit LyndaSanchez via Visual Hunt CC BY-SA http :// www . fcacacfc . gc . ca / Eng / forConsumers / lifeEvents / livingCouple / Pages / home-accueil . aspx