Adult Financial Literacy Guide | Page 11

Payroll Deductions Reading a pay stub can be confusing. You’ve probably already noticed that your cheque is for less money than you thought it would be. What are all of those deductions? First things first, let’s get used to some of the terms. Gross pay: Your pay before deductions. This could include commissions, bonuses, and vacation or overtime pay. Net pay or take-home pay: Your pay after deductions which include taxes and union dues. This is what will be deposited into your account or on your cheque. Photo credit Nguyen Vu Hung (vuhung) via VisualHunt CC BY Try to hang onto your pay stubs and file them away somewhere safe. It’s always a good idea to double check your pay stub and to make sure that you were paid the correct number of hours. You could also use them to double check that your T4 slip was calculated correctly at the end of the year. Reading a Pay Stub Income Tax A big part of your payroll deductions will go toward payi