Adjust Everywhere Adjust Everwhere | Page 36

Adjust Everywhere 27 on entangling yourself in the worldly life. Just bring about a solution quickly. Say you were to tell someone, “Go to the shop and buy some ice cream,” and he returns after going only halfway. When you ask him, “Why?” he tells you, “I came across a donkey on the way; that is a bad omen!” Now, he has acquired wrong knowledge, so you should remove that, shouldn’t you? It has to be explained to him that, “Dear fellow, God also resides within a donkey; therefore, there is no such thing as omen. If you scorn a donkey like that, it reaches the God within it. Hence, you incur a tremendous error. Do not do this again.” This is how wrong knowledge has come about and due to that, people are not able to adjust. One Who Turns Wrong Into Right is a Samkiti What is the sign of one who has Self-realization (samkiti)? Even if everyone in the home does wrong, he turns it right. To turn things right in all matters is the sign of a samkiti. I made very subtle discoveries about worldly life. I am saying all this after having made the ultimate discovery. I am showing you how to live in this world, and I am also showing you how to attain liberation. My goal is to lessen your difficulties. What you speak should ‘adjust’ [be agreeable] to the other person. It is indeed your mistake if what you say does not ‘adjust’ [agree] to the other person. If that mistake is broken, then you will adjust. The talk of the vitaraag Lords is one of ‘adjusting everywhere.’ Questioner: Dada, this solution of ‘adjust everywhere’ that you have given can bring about a solution for all kinds of problems! Dadashri:  All problems are solved. Every word of