Adjust Everywhere Adjust Everwhere | Page 32

Adjust Everywhere 23 indeed all yours, isn’t it! It is because you don’t have this art, isn’t it! You need to learn this art. The Root Cause of Conflicts - Ignorance Questioner: What is the reason that disputes arise? Is it because people’s natures do not match? Dadashri: It is because of agnan. Wherever people’s temperaments do not match, that is referred to as worldly life. For the one with this Knowledge there is only one-way out, to ‘adjust everywhere!’ Even if someone hits you, you should adjust to him. I am showing you this simple and straightforward path. It is not as if these conflicts happen every day, is it? They only happen when your karma are ready to give their results; you have to adjust at that time. If a fight happens with your wife then, after the fight, take her out for dinner and make her happy. From now on, a lingering effect should not remain. Dada, Completely Adjustable One day the yogurt soup was good, but a bit salty. I thought to myself, ‘This is salty but I will indeed have to eat a little, won’t I?’ So, as soon as Hiraba [Dadashri’s wife] went inside, I poured a little water in it. She caught that and asked me, “What have you done?” I told her, “You add water to it when it is on the stove, and I added it here.” She replied, “I would have added water and then boiled it for you.” I told her, “For me, it is all considered boiled. I am only concerned with the final outcome!” If you tell me at 11 o’clock, “You will have to eat your lunch,” I would ask you, “Would it be okay if I eat a little later?” If you say, “No, eat right now so that I can wind up,” then I will immediately sit down to eat. I will adjust to you.